We're back on the "air"

Hey everyone, and thanks very much for your patience during my unintended absence from the site.
I spent the past two months in Baltimore, assisting a beloved family member prep for a big move down to Georgia, and since I last posted here, that move has taken place. I'm happy to say their new digs are beautiful, modern, clean, quiet and downright lovely.
Between helping to facilitate that relocation and arriving back in Savannah smack dab in the middle of the Savannah College of Art and Design's 45th Anniversary celebrations (which wound up including extremely rare visits to our fair city by loads of former students who I'd not seen in ages), I wound up knee-deep in responsibilities which prevented me from updating the site and the newsletter as often as planned. Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be making up for those omissions by posting new, additional articles and interviews which will bring all of you kind and generous paid supporters current with the frequency of my output which you were promised!
I am thrilled to say I have lots of great stuff in the pipeline which will only be available to those at the paid tier of subscription, so if you know of anyone you think would appreciate what I am doing here at Wicked Messenger, and who would like the opportunity to support a completely independent content creator directly in the same manner that you have, please do point them my way.
Currently, I've earned 1/6 of the number of paid subscribers required in order for me to simply pay my rent through the work I am doing on this site (which is my goal), and I am hopeful that once folks such as yourself start mentioning my heartfelt efforts to others, perhaps that can be realized sooner rather than later.
Since I first gave myself permission to conceive of Wicked Messenger, I knew I had no desire to run a subscription newsletter that featured only the written word. The notion of incorporating both audio and video was always part and parcel of this concept. My background in – and love for – terrestrial radio has been something which has been on the back burner in my life for decades now, and I cherish the ability to get back into that via this newsletter. So, today I am proud to release the first of what will be an ongoing series of twice-monthly (and I have to phrase it that way, because so many folks are confounded by the use of the word "bi-monthly") music-related shows curated and written by myself. To clarify: By "twice-monthly," I mean that these shows will appear in your inboxes approximately every two weeks.